Queenscliff SLSC has a proud competition history in water/craft events with many Australian champions.

Water/craft competition aims to:

improve the skills and techniques of surf swimmers and board and surf ski paddlers; and
allow surf swimmers and paddlers to demonstrate their techniques and abilities in competition, training and in the performance of rescues whilst on patrol.
There are numerous events in water/craft competition for both males and females including:

  • individual surf race
  • surf teams race (3 members)
  • individual board race
  • board relay race (3 members)
  • individual surf ski race
  • surf ski teams race (3 members)
  • double ski race (2 members)
  • surf board rescue race (1 x surf swimmer and 1 x board paddler)
  • taplin (involves surf swimmer(s), board paddler(s) and surf ski paddler(s)
  • rescue tube (1 x surf swimmer)

SLSA categories are usually: Under 15 years; Under 17 years; Under 19 years; Open and Master (30years+)

Most of the events are held at local carnivals, State championships, Australian championships and World championships.

Queenscliff Surf Life Saving Club