Patrol News – Club Captain Report

Club Captain Report


Queensie has been hopping. How wonderful to see the beach really come alive with trainings, nippers, patrols, simmers and surfers!

A big thanks to John O’Toole for all his efforts to get a new slate of IRB Crewies. Thanks also to Graham, Tiffany, Sam, Leishea, Matt and Marcus. And of course thanks to Rodger for his work on proficiencies.

And on proficiencies we have made great progress but there are still patrol members who must complete their proficiencies. Pls reach out to us to get these done – you will not be able to patrol after 31 December without completing your proficiencies.

Thanks again to all our patrolling members and Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!

See you on the beach!


Rich Mills

Club Captain

Queenscliff Surf Life Saving Club